
We will see the Puente de Bizkaia, more popularly known as the Hanging Bridge, which was the first bridge of its kind built in the world. It served as a model for many other bridges built in Europe, Africa and America. The Puente de Bizkaia is currently considered the oldest transporter bridge still in service in the world. On July 13, 2006, the UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site, considering it to be one of the most outstanding Industrial Revolution works of iron architecture.

From there, on our way back to the hotel, we will stop at the restaurant of young chef Eneko Atxa to celebrate the end of our journey. The Michelin Guide jury recently awarded this chef his third star, the ne plus ultra for such a young chef. After dinner he will talk with us a little about his success. We will make a toast with him and continue on our way to the hotel.